What Is Mission Support on Sumotrust

mission support on sumotrust

What Is Mission Support?

Mission support is a feature on Sumotrust that lets users to access up to 20% of their savings.

We understand the prices of products can fluctuate and can go up while trying to save up money to accomplish a project, so, we decided to step in and support customers with active savings up to 20% of their savings balances.

What Does This Mean?

Let’s say you’re trying to save 500,000 Naira to travel on the next holiday or shop for a gadget in 6 months only to see that the price for your trip or the gadget has gone up and is now 540,000 Naira. We will let you access up to 20% facility/loan of your savings in 6 months without withdrawals to support the price fluctuations so you can still travel and not run into an emergency. 20% in this case is 100,000 Naira.

so we can empower you with up to 20% of your total savings of the last 6 months and above without any withdrawals made on your main savings wallet or Mission savings wallet.

With as little as 3% monthly repayment plan, we believe this is a great move to support our loyal and consistent customers on Sumotrust.

So, you no longer have to worry about the prices of your savings project going up.

How to Check For Eligibility:

To check if you qualify for Sumotrust mission support, kindly login to your Sumotrust App here, navigate to the menu section, and click on mission support‘.

If you qualify, follow the onscreen instruction to access your 20% support.

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